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“Write Me an Order Too!” As I was writing up an order for a young mum on the doorstep of her relative's home, an older man appeared from the neighbourhood and asked her what she was doing. Before she could answer him, he spotted the Family Bible and said, “Could you write me up an order too!” As I was hurriedly writing up the two orders, he said, “Come to my home and get my bank account number.” While walking to his house a car with two ladies in it stopped and told him to jump in. He yelled back to me, “My house is 1020 Kauri Street. Open the door and make yourself a cup of tea.”

So I was left there a little stunned, thinking, Where has he gone? As the car took off, I yelled back that I would come back in half an hour and catch up with him. When I returned to his home, a group of jacketed gentlemen, with full facial tattoos, and a lady were there. They insisted they had seen me somewhere before. Then after a while I asked the lady her name. When she said “Gloria,” I realised she was a former customer and a former member from our local church (Kawerau).

After a hug and kiss, I gave her a Who Is Jesus? video, and asked her if she would like to come to church with me on Sabbath. She said, “Yes, if you pick me up.”

And the guy (a Mongrel Mob bikie gang member) who ordered the Bible also said, “Yes, and pick me up for church too, please.” - Marea Campbell, New Zealand

Please note: God calls the Catholic Church Babylon and the origin of Babylon and sun worship and paganism in the Catholic Church explains why. The reason for the Sabbath to Sunday change and our adversaries plan then becomes very clear. The number from the beast has amazing and almost lost information on how 666 came from Babylon and is now the number of a man. And the false secret rapture theory has deceived many on the truth of the second coming and is a must read. [law]